Tamil actor prashanth ex wife
Tamil actor prashanth ex wife

tamil actor prashanth ex wife

"The way they ruined my life and did not give me the 350,000 ringet they owed me, I am not surprised Prashanth's life too has been touched by worries," the organiser said. The film stars Prashanth and Roja (in her acting debut) in the lead roles, while Mansoor Ali Khan, Nassar, Radha Ravi, and Bhanumathi play supporting roles. Meanwhile, a Malaysian event organiser claimed that the Thiagarajans owed him some money for organising a show for them. Hibiscus) is a 1992 Indian Tamil-language romantic drama film written and directed by R. The actor's father refuted media reports that his son had taken a dowry of Rs 3.5 crore for constructing a mall in Chennai. He also claimed that he could not see his child despite filing a petition. I was not invited to the seemantham ceremony (a ritual before the child is born), nor told about the birth or invited to the naming ceremony where tradition demands that the infant's father is present," Prashanth was quoted by PTI as saying. He has a sister, Preeti, and got married to Grihalakshmi on September 1, 2005.

tamil actor prashanth ex wife

Prashanth, born in Chennai, India, to Thiyagarajan, an actor and director, and his wife Shanti. Later she delivered a child, whom the star claimed he had still not seen. He has a sister, Preeti, and got married to Grihalakshmi on September 1, 2005.

tamil actor prashanth ex wife

The actor's wife, Grihalakshmi reportedly left him two months after their marriage in September last year.

Tamil actor prashanth ex wife